Secret of Saving

Monday 2 December 2013

“There is great value, even if you are in debt, in using some of your money to create savings. Savings are a contribution to the flow of money in our society, for money that is save can be circulated and used to create more wealth. Savings give you resources that allow you to be self-sufficient. Savings are also a positive affirmation that you have more than you need at the moment. As you feel abundant, you become magnetic to even more money.”

“If you have stored money, you are less likely to be influenced by the ebb in the normal ebb-and-flow cycle. Nature uses this principle; just observe squirrels storing their nuts for the winter, or bears hibernating to save their energy.”

“The money you save acts as a “money magnet” to attract more money. The larger your savings, the larger your magnet.”

“The greatest benefit of saving money is that it allows you to get used to a larger and larger flow of money and the energy it represents, which is what you are asking for if you want increased abundance.”

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Orin and DaBen)

1 comment:

  1. Sound nuggets of money wisdom. Thanks for sharing!
