Let your light shine!!

Sunday 29 September 2013

"The government of a nation is a direct mirror, or reflection, of those who live in it. Therefore, it is not accurate to refer to “those in power,” as you are wont to do, for they can only exist as a result of the choices of each and every one of you. Such a mindset is an indication that you have given away your power! THE UNIVERSE WILL RESPOND TO YOU INDIVIDUALLY, NO MATTER WHAT THE OTHERS ARE DOING. Even if there are policemen on every corner, you may wave cheerfully to them, or rant and rave and cause yourself upset.

You cannot control the actions of another! You can, however, control how the universe, and the people in it, respond to you. We tell you that YOU CAN FIND HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY NO MATTER THE CONDITIONS! (big wave of love here, and complete certainty)

Once you begin to focus exclusively on well–being, you will find your life changing for the better in magical ways.

Not only that, but when you change your focus exclusively to well–being, you influence the environment around you. You become a lighthouse, a beacon shining your light into the world. The way to truly change the world for the better is by setting an example. You have no idea how powerful your light can be! One person broadcasting a powerful signal of well–being is more powerful than a million disconnected ones. Believe it or not, one person shining his or her light may influence the million and do so much more quickly than you can imagine."

Source: Mind Reality

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